Use A Keratin Treatment To Straighten And Smooth Your Hair

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Improving My Look

I have always been someone who loves to look their best, which is why I started focusing on hitting the spa at least once a month. I wanted to make sure that my hair was on point and that I always looked polished, because it isn't always easy to make a great impression. Fortunately, I have really been able to hone my routine, and these days I feel better than ever. Check out this blog for great information that can help you. After all, when you look better, you feel better, and when you feel great, you perform great in your daily life.


Use A Keratin Treatment To Straighten And Smooth Your Hair

22 August 2022
 Categories: , Blog

If you have curly, wavy, or frizzy hair, you may spend a lot of time blow-drying and straightening your hair, only to have the curls return the next time you wash your hair. Doing all that can take a lot of time, and you may not want to continue to spend time straightening your hair even though you want to have straight hair. You can talk to your hairdresser to see if they have treatments to help you get the straight hair you want. One option is to go with a keratin hair smoothing treatment.  

Keratin Hair Treatment

You may also hear this treatment called a Brazilian blowout or a Brazilian keratin treatment. While the treatment is called a keratin treatment, it doesn't have any keratin. Instead, it smooths down the keratin that makes up your hair, breaking the bonds that create your natural hair texture, creating new bonds, and sealing the cuticle of your hair. The treatment consists of the hairdresser putting a solution in your hair. After working it thoroughly through your hair so that every bit of hair is covered, your hairdresser will blow-dry your hair, straightening it as they go. The final step is to use a flat iron on your hair. The flat iron will ensure that your hair is stick-straight, sealing the treatment into your hair. A keratin treatment has several benefits. 

Not Permanent

One of the biggest benefits is that it isn't permanent. The treatment generally lasts a few months and gradually wears off, leaving your normal hair texture and curl pattern to reassert itself. With other treatments, like relaxers, the hair never reverts to its normal state, so as it grows out, you get a mix of relaxed and curly or wavy hair. That can be very awkward and mean that you must straighten that little bit of root. A gradual change from straight hair to your regular hair texture isn't going to be awkward. 

Shinier Hair

Curly hair reflects light differently than straight hair, so it doesn't appear as shiny and glossy as you would like. But, the keratin treatment can help with that. Some things in the treatment solution will help boost the gloss, and the light will hit your hair differently. 

If you have curly, wavy, or frizzy hair and spend a lot of time straightening your hair, you should talk to your hairdresser about a keratin treatment that can straighten and smooth your hair.