Do These Four Things When Booking A Botox Appointment

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Improving My Look

I have always been someone who loves to look their best, which is why I started focusing on hitting the spa at least once a month. I wanted to make sure that my hair was on point and that I always looked polished, because it isn't always easy to make a great impression. Fortunately, I have really been able to hone my routine, and these days I feel better than ever. Check out this blog for great information that can help you. After all, when you look better, you feel better, and when you feel great, you perform great in your daily life.


Do These Four Things When Booking A Botox Appointment

11 December 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Botox is one of the most common cosmetic treatments available. It's a treatment given as a series of injections, which helps prevent permanent wrinkles caused by expression lines. There are many common misconceptions about Botox, and some people worry that this treatment will make them look "fake." However, this couldn't be further from the truth. When administered by a skilled practitioner, Botox can give subtle results that look incredibly natural. Here are four things you should do when you make your first Botox appointment:

1. Communicate with your doctor.

Let your doctor know that this is the first time you've gotten Botox so they can provide the reassurance you need. Your doctor can walk you through every step of the process so there are no unpleasant surprises. If you're concerned about looking overly artificial, let your doctor know. They may decide to give you a lighter dose of Botox for your first treatment, which will allow you to decide if you like the results.

2. Expect a small amount of discomfort.

Receiving Botox injections is not very painful. However, you may feel a slight, sharp pain when the shots are administered. The needles used are very thin, which makes the process easier. After your treatment is over, you can gently apply ice to the injection site or take some ibuprofen to alleviate any lingering discomfort.

3. Allow the Botox to settle in.

You should avoid bending over or lying on your back for the hours following your appointment. The Botox injected into your skin needs some time to settle appropriately, which means you should also avoid rubbing your face during this time. If you have trouble remembering, you may want to set an alarm on your phone to let you know when the required time has passed.

4. Take before and after photos.

Since the effects of Botox can be rather subtle, you may want the ability to compare your results. Taking photos before your appointment is an excellent way to do this. Remember that you won't see the full results of your treatment for up to a week after your injections. The Botox needs time to work on the muscles in your face. You should plan to take your final photo up to seven days after your Botox injections. Looking at these pictures side by side can help you see what kind of difference Botox has made for you.